Current news

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December edition of the newsletter can be read under the Members login tab

Content of the newsletter
– Chairman has the floor
– Annual General Meeting 2024
– online meeting with HCC management
– Transfer or termination of contract
– News in the apartment exchange
– Report your arrival to HCC
– Owners meeting in Gran Canaria 2024
– New board members

Annual General Meeting 2024 ↗

The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on April 20 at the Clarion Collection Hotel Odin in Gothenburg. The meeting started at 12.00 with registration and continued during the afternoon with a break for a shared coffee. The annual meeting ended with Holiday Club’s new CEO Miguel Muñoz presenting digitally and answering questions and talking about upcoming plans for the facilities. The day ended with a joint dinner and pleasant company in the hotel’s restaurant.

Thanks to all who attended.

News Canary Island ↗


Dag och Natt

Logga Gran canaria

New in the apartmentexchange ↗

It is now possible for you as a member to advertise internal changes in the apartment exchange. If you would like to temporarily move your weeks to another time of the year, you can advertise your wish by filling in the form for Internal change. It will then be visible under the Apartment Exchange here on our website so that other shareholders can respond to your ad. You will find more information on how to proceed under Rent-Sell-Buy-Exchange.

Owners’ meeting at GC ↗

Owners’ meeting 2023 was held on November 30 in Gran Canaria and OPCA Nordic was there and represented its members. Below you will find a selection of what was discussed and talked about.

– New CEO of HCC
– Budget and maintenance fee 2024
– Our contracts
– Energy consumption
– Information from HCC
– Childrens space
– Improvement of the standard
– Internal change of weeks
– Unused weeks
– Renovation
– Parking
The full report can be read under the member login tab.

New password ↗

We have changed the password on our member pages. You will find the new password in the mailing that was made with the membership card for 2024.

Gran Canaria

Legal counseling ↗

OPCA Nordic has access to a lawyer who works with solving legal and practical issues related to co-ownership and timeshare rights. If you are a member, you can contact us by e-mail if you have any questions or read more under the member pages.

Membership fee 2024 ↗

The membership fee for 2024 is paid no later than
The membership fee is SEK 500/family and covers 12 months up to 2025-01-31 and paid into the following account.

Payment Sweden:
Bank giro: 5367-5849
Account number: 5101 1064286
Swish: 123 569 145

Payment from abroad:
IBAN: SE9250000000051011064286
Payee: OPCA Nordic, C/O Gösta Nilsson, Ulvstigen 15, 451 54 Uddevalla, Sweden

State that the payment applies to membership and your name, address and membership number.
The membership card for 2024 was sent to you as soon as the membership fee is registered on our account.

Transport to and from the airport↗

You can book a transfer from Holiday Club Canaria’s transfer service via online booking.

It is also possible to book with HoppaGo or
Shuttle Direct Transfers.

A slightly cheaper alternative is the local bus, Global bus. Bus line 91 departs from the upper level at the departure hall of the airport and stops outside Puerto Calma and at Amadores.


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